Here they are before I set to work on them (I had already made a vest for the one on the right).
I do not know her maker. She is probably a mass produced doll from the 1960's.
The next job has to be making more Pud Bears. The holiday season should be starting shortly (if the snow and wind goes away), so the bear shops will be getting more customers and I have to be ready to restock when they sell some of my bears. Also, the craft fairs start in May and I like to take a few Pud Bears along as I have a few return customers who are bear collectors.
Hopefully I will be able to sit long enough to man a stall. If not my husband will help out as he has before, so that I can have a break. This darn arthritis and back problems make me so frustrated at times. I used to be an active person and now a short spell on my feet, or sitting in one position for too long, and that is me finished for the day - and probably the next one too.